Beside Medication Verification (BMV)
Medication Accuracy Initiative at Thibodaux Regional Health System
The BMV Project was a Quality Initiative utilizing the Six Sigma (DMAIC)
methodology to guide the implementation of an automated medication administration
process. BMV is a method of medication administration that assists in
reducing healthcare related medical errors by ensuring patient identification,
verifying allergies, double checks doses, and ensures other patient safety
functions occur as medications are administered to patients.
The BMV project also included the implementation of an electronic medication
documentation process. BMV enhanced patient safety by reducing the risks
of medication errors and improving the quality of care provided to patients.
Why is BMV important to our patients?
BMV is an automated method to Enhance
Patient Safety by Preventing Medication Errors.
- Medication Errors are estimated to result in an additional Length of Stay
of 4.6 days and an increased Cost per Case of $4,685 on average.
Reducing medication errors Reduces
Cost of Care.
BMV transitioned the documentation of medication administration from a
paper process to an electronic process. Your physicians now have access
to review the medications administered to you electronically and adjust
your treatment plan as indicated. This is another step the organization
has made in moving toward an
Electronic Health Record.
How have our patients benefited from BMV?
- Since the implementation of BMV, 98% of the patients in the hospital have
medications administered using the electronic scanning to ensure the correct
patient, drug, dose, time, and route prior to the administration of medications.
- In addition, 97% of the medications administered were verified using the
BMV process. There are some situations, such as emergencies, when immediate
medication administration is required.
- BMV has assisted the organization to eliminated medication errors related
to wrong patient identification
- The implementation of this new technology to verify elements in the medication
administration process has improved Safety of Medication Administration
for our patients.