National Nutrition Month!

March is National Nutrition Month! Celebrated annually, National Nutrition Month focuses on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The campaign was created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

This year’s theme is “Eat Right, Bite by Bite”. Good nutrition does not have to be restrictive or overwhelming. Small goals and changes can have a cumulative healthful effect, and every little bit (or bite!) of nutrition is a step in the right direction.

Here are three things that you can do to incorporate eating right, bite by bite into your daily life.

First, eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. Ways to do this include:

  • Eat healthy foods from all the food groups
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Learn how to read the Nutrition Facts Panels
  • Practice portion control
  • Take time to enjoy your food.

Second, plan your meals each week. Start using a grocery list to shop for healthful foods. Be menu-savvy when dining out by looking at the menu ahead of time and choosing the healthier options. Choose healthful recipes to make during the week; enjoy healthful eating at work; and plan healthful eating while traveling.

Third, eat right, bite by bite by learning skills to create tasty meals. You can do this by:

  • Keeping healthful ingredients on hand,
  • Practicing proper home food safety,
  • Sharing meals together as a family as often as possible,
  • Reducing food waste, and
  • Trying new flavors and foods.

In celebration of National Nutrition Month, Thibodaux Regional Wellness Education Center has planned some fun educational events.

Be Brave! Taste Testing

Try new foods to boost your nutrition! Stop by for taste testing and learn ways to incorporate these foods into meals or snacks.

Date: Thursday, March 12

Place: Wellness Center Lobby

Time: 8 am – 11 am

“Lots of Veggies, Meat Spaghetti” Cooking Demonstration

Make every bite count with this nutrient-packed recipe! You will learn a new recipe and why it is so good for us!

Date: Thursday, March 26

Place: Wellness Center Lobby

Time: 11 am

For more information, call Thibodaux Regional Wellness Education Center, 985.493.4765.
