By: Rebecca Roussell, RDN, LDN, CDCES, Registered Dietitian and Certified
Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, Thibodaux Regional Health System
Overwhelming evidence confirms that the Mediterranean Diet lowers the
risk of heart disease and diabetes. Named for the traditional eating and
cooking patterns of people in the countries bordering the Mediterranean
Sea, the eating plan has been consistently shown to improve blood glucose
control and to help prevent blood glucose spikes by improving insulin
sensitivity and decreasing insulin resistance. The Mediterranean diet
also protects the heart by lowering and controlling blood pressure and
blood cholesterol.
This eating plan includes and emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains,
minimally processed foods, legumes, lean protein (fish, seafood, skinless
chicken / turkey), healthy unsaturated fats (olive oil, olives, nuts,
seeds), and fat-free or low-fat dairy and yogurt while limiting sweets,
sugars, sugar-sweetened beverages, red meats, processed meats, fast foods,
refined grains, and saturated fats like butter. Sweets are consumed only
occasionally for celebratory events; the typical daily dessert is a controlled
portion of fresh fruit. Cooking seasonal and local food products with
olive oil, spices, and herbs rather than salt allows healthy cooking without
sacrificing taste.
More Than Food
The Mediterranean diet isn’t just about what is eaten — it’s
also about
how it is eaten. Slowing down and taking time to relax and enjoy a meal with
family or friends is key. Instead of eating on-the-go or in front of the
television, locals savor their food in a relaxed environment. As a result,
each meal is more satisfying and reduces stress while improving digestion.
Great for Diabetics
Managing diabetes requires lifestyle change, such as shifting to more homemade
meals; limiting foods that raise blood glucose quickly (like sugar, sweetened
beverages, and refined grains); choosing healthy, high-fiber foods; controlling
portions; and increasing physical activity. The Mediterranean diet is
not a set of strict guidelines, but more about swapping out unhealthy
foods for healthy ones. It also uses portion size to control total carbohydrate
and calorie intake—which, of course, leads to optimal blood glucose control.
Features of the Mediterranean Eating Plan:
Whole Grain Bread, Cereal, & Starchy Foods = “Turn to Whole Grains” — whole wheat, buckwheat, rye, bulgur, barley, couscous, quinoa,
corn, muesli, whole oats, brown rice, whole-wheat, or whole grain bread,
tortillas, pasta, and cereal.
Recommend: 4 or more servings per day
Serving Size = 1 oz. bread, ½ cup cooked cereal, ¾ cup dry
cereal, 1/3 cup cooked rice or pasta
TIP = Choose grains that list
whole grain as the first
or second ingredient on the food label.
Non-Starchy Vegetables = “Fill Up On” — non-starchy vegetables provide satiety, fiber, and key nutrients.
Choose a variety of colors and textures: tomato, zucchini, squash, green
beans, cauliflower, carrot, cucumber, asparagus, onion, mushroom, eggplant,
bell pepper, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, turnips, radish, celery,
spinach, kale, leafy greens, and mustard or turnip greens.
Recommend: 4 or more servings per day
Serving Size = ½ cup cooked
or 1 cup raw
TIP = Choose fresh, local, and in-season vegetables
or frozen as a second choice.
Prepare by
steaming, grilling, roasting, stir-fry, or eating raw
Legumes (Lentils, Dried Beans & Peas) = “Get Friendly with Legumes” — high in fiber and provides some protein. Add any type of legume,
such as lentils, kidney(red) bean, navy (white) bean, lima (butter) bean,
pinto bean, soy bean (Edamame), black bean, chickpea, garbanzo bean, split
pea, field pea, and black-eyed peas.
Recommend: 3 or more servings per week
Serving Size = ½ cup after cooked = 1-ounce Meat + 1 Carbohydrate serving
TIP = Try a meatless meal at least 2 x week.
Fruits = “Munch On” — fruits are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber for optimal health.
Choose a variety of colors of unsweetened fresh fruit: apple, orange,
any citrus, cherry, plum, grape, pear, peach, nectarine, apricot, tangerine,
or berries.
Recommend: 3 servings per day
Serving Size = 1 small whole fruit
or ¾ to 1 cup raw
TIPS = Choose fresh, local, and in-season fruits. Choose fruit in place
of dessert at the end of meals.
Fish & Seafood = “Choose More Often” — lean protein sources consumed frequently and can be a source of
Omega-3. Choose salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, flounder, tilapia, halibut,
haddock, cod, lobster, shrimp, crab, scallops, or clams.
Recommend: 3 or more servings per week
Serving Size at lunch and supper = Women: 2–3 ounces cooked | Men:
3–4 ounces cooked
TIPS = Weigh after cooked without bone. Prepare by bake, broil, boil, grill,
steam, poach, smother in water, or roast cooking methods. Avoid breaded
or fried fish and seafood, and high fat sauces or gravies.
Poultry (Chicken, Turkey, Egg)
= “Small Portions” — lean protein sources. Choose skinless chicken, turkey, and egg
in place of red meats. Limit red meats (beef, veal, pork, & lamb)
and processed meats (hot dogs, sausage, deli meats, bacon) to 1 or fewer
times each per week.
Recommend: daily. One ounce of meat = 1 whole egg
or 2 egg whites only
Serving Size at lunch and supper = Women: 2–3 ounces cooked | Men:
3–4 ounces cooked
TIPS = Weigh after cooked without bone, skin, or fat. Prepare by bake,
broil, boil, grill, steam, poach, smother in water, or roast cooking methods.
Avoid breaded or fried poultry, and high fat sauces or gravies.
Cheese & Yogurt = “Leave Room For” — good source of protein and calcium. Choose non-fat
or low-fat milk, fortified soy milk, yogurt, and cheeses. Choose low-fat
or reduced-fat cheese like feta or natural part-skim mozzarella.
Recommend: 2 servings per day
Serving Size = 1 cup milk
or yogurt, 1/3 cup ricotta cheese
or cottage cheese,1 ounce reduced-fat cheese,
½ cup plain Greek yogurt
TIPS = Use fermented dairy foods, like ricotta cheese & fat-free GREEK
yogurt due to easier digestion and beneficial bacteria for good digestive health.
Fats, Oils, Nuts, & Seeds = “Switch to Olive Oil” — olives and olive oil are the main fat source used daily in cooking,
baking, and preparing salads and vegetables.
Recommend: 5 or more servings per day dependent on weight loss goals
Serving Size = 1 tsp. Olive Oil, 8 olives, 2 Tbsp. avocado, 1½ teaspoons
natural nut butter, 1 Tbsp. seeds, 1 Tbsp. chopped nuts
TIPS = Try to incorporate 1 Tbsp. olive oil per person into the main meal
of the day which equals 3 servings of fat. For weight management purposes,
keep nuts down to ¼ cup or less daily.
Herbs and Spices = “Spice It Up” — season foods with spices and herbs, such as garlic, onions, marjoram,
thyme, basil, rosemary, oregano, sage, dill, cumin, saffron, fennel seeds,
cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg to add flavor and aroma to foods reducing
the need for added salt and also boosting health promoting anti-oxidants.
Recommend: daily use as a substitute for salt
TIP = use fresh or dried
Water = “Drink Up” — water is the primary beverage essential for life and proper hydration.
Recommend: Eight 8-ounce glasses
or four 16-ounce bottles,
or 64 ounces per day
TIP = Avoid sugar sweetened beverages, fruit juices, and regular sports drinks.
Final Word
Mediterranean living is based on healthy foods, physical activity, and
enjoyment of life. The journey to better health with a Mediterranean lifestyle
can start slowly and gradually over time. It is not realistic to make
all changes overnight. Slow changes allow time for new habits to form
which can become permanent and not a fad. Live a longer life, lower the
risk of health problems, and help prevent and manage diabetes with a more
Mediterranean diet and lifestyle.
For more information or to schedule a diabetes nutrition session with a
Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist,
contact Thibodaux Regional Wellness Education Center at 985-493-4765.